Wednesday, July 9, 2014

KDP Book Conversion File Formats: Choose From Word, HTML, MOBI, ePub, RTF, TXT & PDF

KDP File Formats For eBook Conversion
Preferred Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) File Formats

Depending on the complexity of your eBook, the following file formats are supported by Amazon, however, do not confuse "supported" with "recommended" or even viable. As noted below, files containing many images, tables and graphs require more scrutiny prior to making available for sale to the public. Establish a protocol or SRP (Standard Rules of Procedure) early in the process of creating your eBook and you will find that even the most complex files and file formats can be whipped into submission and display exquisitely across a plethora of devices for your reader's pleasure.  

Here We Go!

Amazon KDP supports files in the following formats: 

  • Word (DOC or DOCX)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • ePub (EPUB)
  • HTML (ZIP, HTM, or HTML)
  • Plain Text (TXT)
  • Adobe PDF (PDF) (Least Preferred)

  • For best results upload your file in DOC/DOCX (.doc / .docx) format. You can upload and convert your final draft from many formats, as listed below.. It is recommend you upload your ebook as a Word DOC/DOCX (.doc/.docx) or HTML (.html) format. 

    Word (DOC or DOCX) 

    Most file formats for eBook conversion are accepted by KDP. Including DOC & DOCX files. However, some files containing more complex formatting do not convert very well. Use the previewer tool (Link at bottom of post) to check your files conversion particularly if it contains detailed tables or has numerous graphics.

    Font Size Need Not Apply
    Kindle eBook fonts are controlled by reader's and can be set to different font sizes, per the reader's preference. Also, page numbers and margins you set within Word do not apply. Page Breaks set in Word should be used for intentional page breaks such as providing smoother transitions at the ending of each chapter.

    Inserting Images In Your eBook 

    Images should be added via the 'Insert' function in Word. Do not use the copy/paste function. 

    Upload the entire text of your eBook as one file when submitting your eBook in DOC or DOCX format. Amazon KDP automatically embeds your "product image" as the cover of your book. 

    HTML (ZIP, HTM, or HTML) 

    HTML documents containing images should be compressed separately into a single ZIP file before uploading. 

    See Basic HTML Formatting Guidelines. 

    Important: Save html files using settings Web Page, Filtered (*HTM & *HTML) for Window's computers or Web Page (.htm) (for Mac). Saving HTML files via this method will automatically include all images on the page. The resulting images subfolder and HTML file should then be compressed into a ZIP file. This newly compressed single file can then be uploaded to KDP.

    HTML files that DO NOT contain images can be directly uploaded without having to compress into a ZIP file. 

    ePub (EPUB)

    EPUB files are unzipped and converted by KDP. However, for quality assurance the file should be validated just prior to uploading it to Amazon. An ePub file can be validated by using a tool named epubcheck.This helps ensure the file converts properly for Kindle. 

    Not That Mobi, The Other MOBI!

    MOBI (mobi) 

    MOBI files, in .prc format, created using the legacy MobiPocket software are not supported by KDP. MOBI (.mobi) files are supported and even recommended. KDP supports MOBI files created via programs such as Calibre or tools like KindleGen. To learn more about Calibre or KindleGen, visit the following links:

    Tip: eBooks Are Essentially a Series of Interconnected Web Pages 

    Hey Man...Where Did All Of My Images Go?

    Plain Text (TXT) File Format

    Not to worry, man! As a simple rule; TXT file formats should only be used when your book does not contain images. KDP converts all text to HTML.During the plain text to HTML conversion process Images referenced (via raw HTML source code) within a TXT file will not be displayed in your eBook. Thus, TXT Files = Zero Images

    Rich Text Format (RTF) 

    Same as TXT files. KDP supports RTF and converts rich text format files, with the same restrictions / features described above in Plain Text Format. 

    Adobe PDF (PDF) 

    KDP supports PDF files for eBooks but it is NOT RECOMMENDED. Portable Document Format (PDF) files contain funky formatting which don't convert well! Runaway formatting issues are aplenty when converting PDF files! Crazy, inexplicable bold text, fonts and erratic text flow along with image inconsistencies are the norm. Do yourself a solid and convert your PDF to a DOC file format while following The Simplified Guide to Building a Kindle Book


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