Thursday, February 27, 2014

Project turns URLs into book synopses to promote reading | Springwise

www. /In - 1960- Jack -
Kerouac -was - near-breaking -point -
Driven -mad - by- constant- press -
attention -in -the - wake -of - the -
publication- of -On- the -Road- he-
needed- to -get -away - to -solitude -
again -or -die -so -he -withdrew -to -a -
cabin -in - Big- Sur-on - the -Californian -
coast -The -resulting - novel -in -which -
his- autobiographical -hero- Jack -
Duluoz -wrestles - with- doubt -alcohol-
dependency -and - his-urge -towards-
self -destruction -is- one -of - Kerouac- s -
most- personal- and -searingly -honest-
works -Ending- with -the - poem-Sea -
Sounds- of -the - Pacific -Ocean- at- Big -
Sur- it- shows-a- man - coming-down -
from - his-hedonistic - youth- and- trying-
to -come - to -terms -with - fame-the -
world- and -himself -/ 2587

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